There’s much ground to cover throughout Milan Design and style Week, which is why you will discover our trusty Architonic Guide to Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone (download) indispensible for navigating you by means of the melee.
Oh, Milano!
Milan is bit a like a loved ones relative. You adore them, but they also have the capability to be extremely frustrating.
Milan Design Week has extended been a victim of its own accomplishment. With an estimated half a million visitors pouring into the Italian city for one week in April, something’s got to give. Regardless of whether it’s the infrastructure (think subway systems breaking down, targeted traffic jams and packed pavements), one’s schedule (how late can you feasibly turn up for a meeting?), or the inability to go to almost everything you planned, pressure levels can usually head skywards…
Read (and subscribe to) Architonic’s Specific Milano 2014 Newsletter right here.